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To install Iosevka nerd font: brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts # you have to do this only once brew install --cask font-iosevka-nerd-font To install Fira...
Install Git $ brew install git Set up global configs You have to do this only once. $ git config --global user.name "Steve Smith" # Name $ git...
The default prefix in tmux is ctrl+b . Let’s accept it. Using ctrl+b time and again is a pain in your wrist. It’s time to solve this issue. Make...
Recently, out of the blue, Hyper terminal started showing Permission denied error whenever I tried to cd into the Downloads folder in my user...
To disable dark mode, open your terminal and paste the below code. defaults write com.oracle.workbench.MySQLWorkbench NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance...
Introduction Plash is developed by Sindre Sorhus. If you are into macOS eco-system then you surely have came across his apps. He is a prolific app...